Dear Readers,

Hello, and welcome to issue 11! We’re so happy you’ve decided to stop by once again and check out what’s been going on around campus.

I am saddened to say that this is our second-to-last issue of the spring semester. The time has gone by so quickly, and it is hard to believe that we are already into the last days of April. This being said, next week, The Quadrangle has a very special surprise coming your way. While I don’t want to spoil anything yet, I think it will be the perfect way to wrap up the hectic semester we’ve had. Be sure to check it out next Tuesday! 

In this news this week, we discuss MC’s chapter of SWE coming together with local Girl Scout troops to inspire the next generation of females in STEM. Also in news, we discuss the college’s recent success in receiving the NSF grant. In features, we talk last week’s Jasper Wellness Day and the new members of our student government. In A&E, we feature the one-act plays recently performed and directed by our students, and review T-Swift’s new album in our Jasper Jams of the week. Lastly, in sports, we talk about ultimate frisbee’s goals for their next season and the Jasper Dancer’s third-place win at NDA Nationals. As usual, our students have been up to some pretty amazing things on campus and I hope you’ll check them all out. 

As always, I want to express my appreciation for our readers. The Quadrangle would not be what it is without you, and I am forever grateful for how supportive and active you’ve been. We hit record-breaking views on our website this semester, all because of you. We’ve been discussing the importance of our legacy with some of our newer writers this week, which always provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the writers who came before us and the ones who started this publication in the first place 100 years ago. Thank you, readers, for letting our team know that what we’re doing is being seen and that it remains important. For as long as our readers read, we’ll write – which means by the looks of it, we won’t be going anywhere for a long, long time. 

Until next week,