How do Students Feel About COVID Restrictions?

by Anna Woods & Victor Franco, Asst. News & Features Editor, Staff Writer 

Manhattan College has implemented new COVID-19 restrictions this semester that students have to follow on campus in order to stop the spread of the virus. These new restrictions have changed student life on campus causing students to form their own opinions. The Quadrangle spoke with some students who have been faced with the adjusting to the new COVID-19 restrictions on campus. 

Interview compiled by Anna Woods, Victor Franco

Mallori Herishko

Class of 2022

Chemical Engineering Major

How do you feel about COVID-19 restrictions on campus?

I feel as though everyone is doing the best that they can. This was such an unprecedented time that no one saw coming or could prepare for. The restrictions definitely create a disconnect with students on campus where we feel less inclined to interact with others. While we can feel isolated, we know that any restrictions on campus are there to keep us safe and better than the alternative of staying home.

How fair do you think the restrictions are? 

I believe the restrictions are fair. As with most things, the best way to enact change is to self-motivate. I feel that the college has done a good enough job of emphasizing the seriousness of the pandemic and most students feel a personal responsibility to stay safe.

When considering the restrictions, how do you feel about the risk of getting COVID-19?

At this point, I feel secure with the school’s restrictions. The positive test rate has been low compared to the rest of the city or my hometown. In some ways, I feel safer on campus where everyone is contained within the school compared to at home where I’m around people who aren’t tested.

At any point, have you felt that MC’s COVID-19 restrictions have not been effective?

No. As seen with the weekly results, MC’s restrictions seem to be working. Whether that is due to the restrictions or low rate in the area, I feel as though the policies are effective. If positive cases rise, I might have a different answer.

If there’s anything you can change or recommend to try and improve restrictions what would it be?

I would definitely ask professors to be more lenient with allowing on-campus students to go remote. A few professors expressed that on-campus students must come into class every day. I feel that it is important for students to feel comfortable going remote for a day or two if they feel sick. Also, I don’t feel that the symptom tracker is effective at all. It was a good idea, but the inability to get back inside of the dorms if you get a red pass deters students from answering truthfully.

Lisette Colon 

Class of 2023

Computer Engineering

How do you feel about COVID-19 restrictions on campus?

I believe covid restrictions are where they should be, I don’t feel as if the restrictions are too strict. I feel safe and protected from COVID-19 on campus [and] the school has done a great job to make students feel normal. Although there are restrictions the school environment is still friendly and sociable.

How fair do you think the restrictions are? 

As of now the restrictions are definitely understandable. I believe COVID-19 restrictions are where they should be in terms of students keeping six feet distance and two per elevator, but I do feel that these restrictions are not being enforced by the college as much as they should be.

When considering the restrictions, how do you feel about the risk of getting COVID-19?

Even with the restrictions not being as enforced as they should be, I feel that I am secure in not getting COVID-19 because of the limited amount of students in the school.  

At any point, have you felt that MC’s COVID-19 restrictions have not been effective?

To a certain extent I do believe that the restrictions are not effective, but this also runs in favor of students because restricting students so much can cause students to feel very limited to what they can do. Enforcing restrictions so much can cause students to just feel uncomfortable in the school.

If there’s anything you can change or recommend to try and improve restrictions what would it be?

My recommendation would be to somehow set up a student work study job where instead of faculty worrying about whether students are following restrictions, student workers are told to walk around campus and make sure that everyone is following the restrictions. I believe it is very different being approached by a student to remind about covid restrictions rather than a faculty [member] to remind you. 

Joanna Canigiani 

Class of 2023

Political Science

How do you feel about COVID-19 restrictions on campus?

They’re a little bit frustrating sometimes but I generally really appreciate all of the restrictions because they prevent there from being any outbreaks on campus and I know there‘s only been a few cases of the virus on campus. I’d rather have more restrictions now than not being able to come back next semester because of more outbreaks on campus.

How fair do you think the restrictions are? 

I think that the restrictions are fair, i.e. you can only have four people in your room and can’t go into like Horan or other dorms that you don’t live in. 

When considering the restrictions, how do you feel about the risk of getting COVID-19?

I think that Manhattan’s restrictions do make me feel a lot safer, although a lot needs to be done with house parties that are occurring in nearby apartments off campus. That makes me feel unsafe. I think my personal choices are the best I can do for myself, but a lot depends on how other people’s choices and that’s why I only see people that I trust and wouldn’t put me in harm’s way.

At any point, have you felt that MC’s COVID-19 restrictions have not been effective?

I do feel like they’re not effective sometimes because I feel like everyone should be getting tested routinely every few weeks, not just random testing. Also I think they should do more to address what is happening off campus like parties and stuff even though it’s really hard to.

If there’s anything you can change or recommend to try and improve restrictions what would it be?

Honestly, I think our campus is pretty strict. But I think they should do more to be more responsive when there are reports about people on campus. I also wish that mask restrictions were enforced more equitably across campus, including enforcement among athletes.